No gym membership? No problem! If you’re too busy to make it to the gym, or just prefer to break a sweat at home, there are plenty of ways you can get fit, anywhere, any time.
We’ve come up with 6 simple forms of exercise that can be done anywhere, with almost no equipment.
Body-weight exercises: You don’t need fancy gym equipment for a good strength-building workout. Planks, press-ups, star jumps and burpees are all examples of easy body-weight exercises that will get you just as fit as a session in the gym. Set a timer, do an exercise for 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds and then repeat. You’ll thank us later.
Go for a run: Running is one of the most accessible sports there is – all you need is a pair of trainers (make sure they’re supportive, though) and you’re good to go. Top tip: use the free app Strava to track your distance, speed and route when you’re out on a run. It’s available on iOS and Android.
Youtube Yoga: Bear with us – you can find loads of great yoga tutorials on YouTube for free! If you don’t have time for an hour-long yoga class, take advantage of the fact that there are loads of sessions to suit your ability and the time you have available for free on your laptop or mobile. All you need is an exercise mat. Get stretching.
Walk whenever possible: The easiest way to get into a more active lifestyle is just to get outside and go for a walk. It’s easy, low-impact and totally free – next time you’re tempted to drive to the shops, walk instead and get some fresh air.
Take the stairs: It may be tempting to use the lift at work when you’re feeling tired and it’s a Monday morning, but you can get a mini-workout in just by taking the stairs. If you work in an office, it’s especially important for you to work activity into your day – and this is an easy way to do just that.
Try skipping: All you need for this fitness favourite cardio exercise is a skipping rope and five free minutes. You may not have skipped since your school days but trust us – this one will get you fighting fit in no time.
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