Cheats Chocolate Profiterole Pudding

Now we’re sort of talking food ‘porn’ here as this delicious and devilish chocolate topped pudding will put a smile on everybody’s face and have them asking for more … and more! And, you can easily adapt this by using up stale croissants to save on food wastage.


250g chocolate profiteroles (bought ones are fine) – OR – 4 to 5 stale pain au chocolat / croissants
300ml double cream
150ml whole milk
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
3 egg yolks
2 tbsp caster sugar

For the sauce:

75g cocoa powder
100g caster sugar
2 tbsp of our Warm Cinnamon seeds


Heat the oven to 160C fan / gas 3. Fit the profiteroles snugly into a baking dish, or if using croissants, cut them each into 3 pieces and fit them into the same dish.

Bring the cream and milk to just below boiling point in a pan then remove from the heat and stir in the cinnammon powder and vanilla essence.

Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until it turns light and fluffy, then slowly add the cream mix to make a custard.

Pour the custard over the profiteroles (or croissants) and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Then bake in the oven for approximately 30 minutes or until the custard has just set.

While it is baking, make the sauce by sifting the cocoa powder into a bowl. Put the sugar in a pan with 100ml water and dissolve fully over a low heat. Bring to the boil and cook for 1 minute, then pour over the cocoa powder and stir well. Cook for a further minute the set aside until the pudding is out of the oven.

Remove the pudding from the oven and let it rest for 15 minutes. Pour over the chocolate sauce and sprinkle with the Warm Cinnamon seeds. Serve with ice cream or just enjoy it on its own as an indulgent tasty treat. Yum!